De-influencing with a dietitian
My social media is filled with wellness trends and products that promise to fix so many niche problems. Each product is better than the last and is a untapped magic bullet. Largely, these products/supplements/recommendations are just utilizing impressive marketing skills and capitalizing on our desire to be healthier! Here is a list of things I think you could live without and save money on. Of course, if there is a product you love, of course continue using it!
Anything that “balances hormones'' - Hormone health has been very buzzy on social media recently. The truth is, there are more than 50 hormones in the body, none of these products identify which hormones they “balance.” It’s true that if you eat a balanced diet, get regular sleep, and exercise, your body will function better and be more regulated, but it is unlikely that any 1 product, diet, or supplement will “balance” all your hormones. If you’re concerned for a hormonal imbalance, it’s a good idea to talk with your doctor and ask for bloodwork to confirm or rule out!
Greens powders - These powders promise improved digestion, improved gut health and a boost of vitamins, but generally taste awful, and are extremely expensive! More sustainable ways to spend your money and improve your health are to eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains and to take a simple daily multivitamin!
Remember: many of the most popular greens powders are made with a “proprietary blend,” which means the company does not need to disclose the amount of each ingredient that is listed on the label. This means you truly have no way of knowing what you’re paying for!
Excessive amount of or “personalized” vitamins - Too often I see influencers posting their supplement routine complete with over 10 different pills, this is overkill! Most people can benefit from the addition of a multivitamin and a fish oil supplement, beyond that, I think most specialized supplements are a bit of a scam. Unless you have gotten a blood test that confirms a deficiency, there is no way to know what your body needs, and certainly a 5 minute “personalization” quiz from a vitamin company will not be the most accurate.
When the body gets an excess of vitamins it cannot use, it will excrete them through the urine. So, if you have a general healthy diet, taking numerous types of vitamins means you are really just creating very expensive pee! Vitamins are found in produce, so eating a rainbow of fruits/veggies covers most of your bases! I recommend the addition of fish oil because most Americans don’t eat enough fish to meet their Omega 3 needs which are great for brain health! Fish oil supplements have also been proven to reduce serum triglycerides!
This is the fish oil supplement I take, and I don’t find it to have a fishy aftertaste: Omega-3 with CoQ10 (this link gets you 15% off and free shipping!)
I have also used the NatureMade fish oil supplements in the past that are a little more affordable and are still 3rd party tested!
All organic foods / health foods - Organic foods are great, and if you like them, that’s fine! However, organic foods can be very expensive, and can cause a lot of anxiety for people who are worried about the safety of their food and their grocery budget. It is much better to eat more regular produce than to worry about if everything is organic and end up eating less! Advances in science and agriculture are a great thing that has helped us feed so many more people more efficiently and affordably. This is isn’t something to be afraid of. I eat a mix of conventional and organic foods, and neither is better or worse!
“Detox” items - The body has built-in detox machines: kidneys and the liver! Products that promise to detox your body are simply a marketing trick!
A better thing to “detox” from would be any influencer who’s platform is based on fear tactics and sales! A good rule of thumb is anyone who is ranting and raging in a grocery store or is shirtless in public, probably not the best source of information!