Get to know me
A little about me and how I landed here:
I’m Emma and I love all things nutrition! I truly love helping others make small changes in their lives that lead to major improvements in their health. Here’s a little bit about me:
I grew up in Cleveland, OH and Marietta, OH. I’m the youngest of 3 and spend a lot of my time with my family!
I have always been interested in food and some of my earliest memories are cooking in the kitchen with my grandma, or baking with my mom and sister. I feel like food can bring others together in a way few other things can and I’ve always been drawn to that.
I started becoming interested in nutrition and wellness in high school. I actually put my parents and I on the paleo-diet when I was a junior… looking back now, what the heck was I thinking?!
First day of school pic @ OU
I went to college at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio and loved every second. I remember being so clueless on what I wanted to do with my life. I knew I loved wellness and food, but I loved medicine, and I was good at connecting with others. That narrowed it down to about 100 possibilities :) I started off pre-professional with the goal to become a Physician Assistant, and the advisor told me I could do pre-med biology, but she shared that many students chose to do pre-med nutrition. I had no idea what a dietitian was at that point, but I loved food so I opted for the latter. My first class ever was nutrition 101, and the professor was so warm, welcoming, and energetic. For some reason, I just knew that whatever she was, I wanted to be too. It turns out, of course, she was a dietitian and I took every class she offered during my time at OU. If I had had any other 1st course, 1st professor, I really don’t know if I would have switched majors or be where I am now - the power of one moment.
After I graduated from Ohio University, I matched to a dietetic internship in York, PA. This was a huge move for me I remember wanting to quit before I even started. I spent 10 months rotating through different areas of nutrition and I learned so much from community nutrition to medical nutrition. I worked critical care during the height of the covid-19 pandemic and realized just how much you can learn under pressure! In the end, I was sad to leave PA and I was so glad I stuck with it because it was time in my life where I was more independent than ever before. That said, I was ready to be back to CLE with my family and friends!
I spent the summer studying for my boards and picked up a part time position at a boutique gym. I loved being around such motivated people everyday and getting to chat about their nutrition with them. After I passed my boards, I went full time at the gym and continued the job hunt. It took what felt like a really long time, but I landed a job at the Cleveland Clinic which was a dream come true. I stayed part time at the gym for a while before closing that chapter of my life and focusing on clinical nutrition.
I’m here now navigating my adult life, spending time with those I love, and focusing on my own wellness. It feels like for the first time I’m truly able to help others while leading by example and sharing what I’ve learned along the way, which is why I started Emma Maddocks Nutrition. I hope to help others while they’re well so I don’t have to meet them in the hospital :)
I sincerely thank you for being here, I know there are so many corners of the internet to land and it feels like a privilege to be found by you.
x0! Emma